Cyberhate victimization among young people: a gender and generational perspective




cyberhate, young people, gender, social networks, victimization


Hate speech-related behaviors on the Internet among adolescents and young people are causing concern in the international community. This paper collects the results of a survey to 600 young people on experiences of being a victim of unpleasant comments on social networks for different reasons. The results are analyzed descriptively by sex and age groups; according to the reason for having received these offensive or hateful comments. The most frequent reasons were socio-political opinions, followed by opinions on feminism. Differences were found to be associated, on the one hand, with gender only for opinions on feminism and, on the other hand, with age, nationality or origin and opinions on feminism. One of the main causes of being a victim of offensive or hateful comments are related to opinions on feminism and gender, more among women than men and among adolescents than young people.


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Author Biographies

Rocío Ortiz Amo, University of Almeria

Graduated in Social Work from the University of Almería and Doctor in Health Sciences from the University of Huelva. She is currently a Doctoral Assistant Professor at the University of Almería in the Area of Social Work and Coordinator of the Degree in Social Work.
She collaborates as a researcher with the GISA research group, Sociology Section of the University of Almería and with the Center for the Study of Migrations and Intercultural Relations (CEMyRI). Her research focuses on the study of Social Work, Social Work professionals, care, gender, disability, ethics and humanization.

Cristina Cuenca-Piqueras, University of Almeria

Doctor in Sociology from the University of Malaga. She currently works as a Doctoral Assistant in the Sociology Area of the University of Almería. She also collaborates as a researcher with the "Indalo Group of Applied Sociology –GISA- SEJ419)" and with the Center for the Study of Migrations and Intercultural Relations (CEMyRI). Her lines of research are gender, gender violence and especially sexual harassment in the workplace".

María José González Moreno, University of Almeria

Graduate in Sociology from the University of Granada. She has a doctorate in Sociology and a professor at the University of Almería. She also collaborates as a researcher with the GISA research team, Sociology Section of the University of Almería and with the Center for the Study of Migrations and Intercultural Relations (CEMyRI). She is currently responsible for the Sociology area of the UAL. Her research focuses on the study of gender inequalities, feminist theory and all its applications in educational, film, social networks or domestic and community spaces.


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How to Cite

Ortiz Amo, R., Cuenca-Piqueras, . C., & González Moreno, M. J. (2024). Cyberhate victimization among young people: a gender and generational perspective. CENTRA Journal of Social Sciences, 3(1).